

Christmas Pre-view

QUICK TOUR of our recent visit to see the Christmas Display at Rogers Gardens.

I make sure to visit early each year to glean some inspiration and see the trends.  Out in the garden shop, this nature themed tree caught my eye.

Inside, it was all chalkboards, boxwood and ivy, and lots and lots of RED
and the RED was repeated over and over - if there is a trend color for Christmas
it  is definitely RED at RG.

Chalkboards were scattered throughout...

and the trees were laden with ornaments of every shape and type imaginable
the silver tree was my favorite...
I LOVE silver.

this tree awakened the anglophile in me...
gold, bronze, burlap and glitter - a heady combination

Bailey's tail would make short work of this tree of glass blown ornaments

but there things to delight other than ornaments and trees

Are you inspired yet?
Well, I am.
Now to figure out how to decorate my torn apart, water damaged home....

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